As we said all along, it's getting exciting, clean the boots, wash the gear ( yes it's still in the same bag) but before we can return to the green grass, we have to ask you to do two things,
- Complete the learning module on COVID that we have sent out before ( )
- Complete the health check Questionaire ( going live today, well so we have been told if not try again tomorrow)
On Facebook, I'll include a guide(guide can be found here ) on how to use the questionnaire, all players young and old need to complete this. For underage, the parents will need to fill out the questionnaire for kids.
- Please note this not a nice to have and we'll do it later, this is a must-do and needs to be done regularly. It's imperative we all do it for yourselves and everyone's health and safety in the Club.
- on returning to training you will be asked to re-confirm your health status after the questionnaire is completed so please save the link on your mobile device and on every occasion you are entering the GAA pitch you will need to confirm that nothing has changed healthwise. Your COVID liason in your team will ask and can check if you have completed the health check online.
- COVID is not going away soon, it has no summer holidays nor does it take a long weekend at the coast. Unless there is a vaccine we have to be aware that we all have a part to play to keep each other safe. The Executive and all the volunteers would like to see all of ye back on the pitch but that only works if we can get the full support from players and managers and everyone involved in the ClareCastle GAA